7 Ways to Say No

7 Ways to Say No

Saying no to friends, colleagues and family members can become difficult, awkward and embarrassing on certain occasions. Here are a few ways in which you can say no, without hurting anyone’s feelings or compromising your reputation.

1. Respond later

An easy way to refuse without sounding offensive is to seek permission to respond later. This will give a signal that you are not really interested in doing that task. And if the matter is not urgent, your friend or colleague who has asked you for help will eventually forget about it. The best part about this technique of refusing is that you will be able to say no without actually uttering the word No.

2. Say that it is against your personal rules, ethics of conscience

If someone asks you for a favor which you don’t want to give, you can say that the task on hand doesn’t adhere to your personal rules or ethics. For example, if a friend asks you to attend a party on Sunday which you don’t want to, refuse by saying that it is your personal rule to spend weekends with your family. This will help you to say no without coming across as a rude person.

3. Refuse by saying that you know someone better suited for the task

A diplomatic way to say no to someone is to tell them that you are unable to provide help but you know another person who is better suited for the task. When you follow up a refusal with an instant offering of help, it will dilute the effect of disappointment.

4. Keep your refusal vague and generic

Depending on what you are asked to do, you can strategically keep your refusal vague and generic. For example, if someone asks you to be a part of a team that you don’t want to be in, tell them that you will think about it. Or if you are asked to volunteer at some place that you don’t want to go to, say that you would love to join but you are not sure if you can make it. Use different words to construct your refusal instead of blatantly saying no.

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TAGS: against your personal rules, colleague, compromising, More