7 Ways to Do Quick Makeup in Ten Minutes

5. Dab it with a tissue

This will help to take away excess lip stick and will also make the color appear more natural. You can also apply some power on your lips with a lip brush and then dab the tissue again to give your lips a finishing touch. This will take one minute.

6. Wear an eye liner

Your eyes are the first thing anyone sees when they look at you. Hence this step is very important. You can choose a liquid liner or a pencil or kohl depending on how comfortable you are. An eye liner if wore well will add definition to your eyes and thus over shadow any mistake you might have make in your whole appearance. This will take two minutes.

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7. Look at yourself

You still have got one minute to go. However you cannot walk off a room without finally looking at yourself. This will give you confidence and you can also be sure that you are comfortable the way you are looking. And viola, you are ready to face anyone!

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Makeup is not only meant to polish your face. It is meant to highlight your most important desirable features and to take the attention off the less desirable ones. Whenever you find yourself in a rush, keep this in mind.

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