7 Ways to Be the Girl All Guys Want

7 Ways to Be the Girl All Guys Want

You don’t have to lose the guy you love and care about. You can be the girl who every guy would like to be in a relationship with. But, you have to be smart and step into the shoes of guys and understand what they expect. You think that all they care about is a great body, physical pleasure and a fling. But that is not it. They are perhaps looking for a lot more than that. Here are 7 ways to be the girl that all guys want.

1.Don’t be clingy or needy

Don’t call him and message him all the time! It gets very annoying. You need to give him space and not be a dominating force in his life. You don’t need to monitor him and check his every move.

2.Boys night out and socializing with friends

Don’t be the girl who wants his social life to revolve only around you. You should be with your friends too, have dinner, go for ladies night out and have a great time. You can’t butt into his poker nights and interrupt when the guys are coming over.

3.Whining and crying

Sharing your problems and being open is a good way to solidify the relationship, but always whining, crying and complaining can make you a major turn off.

4.Be street smart and intelligent

Don’t act like you need him to walk you, you can’t handle your problems or need him to stand up for you whenever you need to fight your own battle. Guys don’t like to be treated as super men.

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TAGS: all guys want, children, clingy, More