7 Ways Botox can Help You Look More Beautiful

7 Ways Botox can Help You Look More Beautiful

A lot of women want to retain their youthful looks even when they are in their 60’s. Not only older women, but women in their 30’s and 40’s also try a lot of cosmetic procedures so they can get rid of their wrinkles, age lines, laugh lines and other crinkles in their faces. Although there are a lot of cosmetic and natural procedures to look younger, the most common and also the most vilified treatment of all is the use of Botox for younger looking face. Botox is said to freeze up the face or the region where it is injected thereby giving the recipient a frozen unnatural look. Although there are many criticisms about Botox, there are ways in which using Botox can make you look more beautiful.

1. Botox to lift the eyebrows

As you age, your eyebrows and the skin around it tend to sag. Botox when injected in this region literally lifts up your eyebrows and gives it a beautiful arch. Your natural arch of the eyebrows also becomes a few millimeters higher.

2. Forehead

You will also develop a lot of lines on your forehead as you grow older. Botox can be injected on your forehead to make it look smooth and shinier without any wrinkles or lines.

3. Botox for crow’s feet

Not only age, but constant exposure to sun and smoking can also cause crow’s feet. Injecting Botox near the eye work on the right muscle and helps you get rid of crow’s feet.

4. Cheeks

Sagging and sunken cheeks are the most visible signs of ageing. There is loss of muscle and elasticity in the cheek region that can make you look older than you actually are and this can be rectified by filling the cheeks with Botox. Botox fillings are much better than implants.

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