12 Ways a Desk Job can Harm Your Body

7. Stress related ailments

The amount of stress you have to handle is sometimes too much at a workplace. And if you do not have the scope to let off some steam by moving around a bit, your body becomes even stiffer trying to cope with the stress. This brings along many stress-related ailments like headache, indigestion and so on.

8. Boredom

A desk job is very, very boring. If all you have to do is sit at one place all day long, you really have nothing to look forward to. How much will you read emails and surf the internet for information you do not need and are not interested in? In the end, boredom sets in and you slowly become a victim of depression. Studies have shown that people who are bored at their workplace are more likely to suddenly die of heart disease or stroke.

9. Food poisoning

Food poisoning is more likely to happen in your workplace than anywhere outdoors. The amount of disease causing microorganisms found on office equipment like keyboard, printer, copy machine and so on are almost five times as many as are found in a bathroom. And these are harmful bacteria which cause food poisoning and also some kinds of infections.

10. Carpel tunnel syndrome

Most of us work on the computers these days. Typing too much on the computer keyboard has been seen to have caused a disease called carpel tunnel syndrome or CTS. This is caused by strain in your wrist and pain which can go up to your arm. CTS can eventually lead to nerve damage and therefore continuous typing on the keyboard without break should be avoided.

11. Repetitive strain injury

If the mouse is at the same spot all day, you can develop repetitive strain injury or RSI on your upper limb because they have been in the same position for a long time and have repeated the same movement over and over again straining the tendons. Overuse of smart phones can also cause RSI.

12. Obesity

When you have a desk job, you are more likely to eat more fast food as it is easier to get, does not require you to prepare anything and it also satiates your taste buds for the moment. But what it also does is add to the fat content in your body. Most of these fast foods contain saturated fats and are high in calories – all of which only add on to the fat accumulated in your body. This eventually leads to obesity and related ailments.

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