Top 10 Dating Dealbreakers

6. No acceptance

For a lot of people, being accepted in public by their partners is really important. If your partner doesn’t seem to be giving you time and attention when you are with mutual friends, or he doesn’t back you up in front of others, then you are bound to feel insecure, and will think that he doesn’t have the guts to tell people about you, or is not really proud of you. So when you are dating someone, make sure you don’t do the same thing to your guy, or else he might want to breakup.

7. Overboard criticism

While it’s okay to tell your guy where he is going wrong in some things, it is not okay to criticize him on each and every thing that he does. That makes him feel like you are only looking at the errors and flaws in him, and aren’t really seeing any good. This is not good for his self-confidence, and is also not good for your relationship in general, because he will feel frustrated and inferior, and someday, when the saturation levels are high, things will end between the two of you in a bitter manner.

8. No sense of responsibility

To vanish without telling your partner for a long time, or to not respond to his calls or texts is obviously going to make him worried. However, multiple such incidents will make him feel that you are just not interested in him, or feel no responsibility towards the guy or the relationship, irrespective of how busy you are. So make sure that you learn to balance your individual life with your dating one, or else it could be a big deal breaker.

9. Trophy flaunting

Sometimes, when you start dating a person only because he is good looking, you get obsessed with the idea of flaunting him in public like a trophy. However, this is not healthy. If your relationship is nothing more than you treating a guy like a trophy, then he is bound to end the relation sooner than you know it.

10. The ex talk

One of the biggest deal breakers in dating is to keep talking about your ex, or living in the fear that he might come back. Even if you don’t have the fear of him coming back, you shouldn’t keep talking about your ex, because that will make your partner feel that you are comparing him to your ex. That is not a good feeling, and makes the other person feel as if there is still something left between you and your ex, or that the current guy is not good enough.

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