6 Tips to Make a Newborn Sleep at Night

4. Feed your baby well

Make sure your baby is well fed and burp him or her before going to sleep. A stuffed stomach or a half empty stomach can also be the reason your baby is not sleeping well during the night.

5. Make sure your baby is not too cold or too warm

Adjust the temperature and the clothes on your baby to make sure that the baby is not too cold or too warm. This is not easy to do as the baby’s need would differ from you and you can only know it by trying out different temperatures and clothes.

6. Give your baby something that smells like you or reminds him/her of you

It could be a blanket or a toy that you can place in the crib. Babies sleep well when they feel protected. They would miss the enclosed at atmosphere of your womb and if you recreate this, they would feel more comfortable.

With some babies, you wouldn’t have to worry too much, while with some it could be a fight every single night. Know your baby’s needs and follow a routine so you and the baby can sleep well.

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TAGS: baby a warm bath, baby well, establish a routine, More