6 Tips to Go from Brunette to Blonde

4. Get it done by a professional

If you are getting it done for a professional, it helps if you get it done by a professional as they would not ruin the look and do a good job out of it.

5. Read the label on the coloring product

Whether you are doing it in a salon or doing it yourself, you need to read the label on the product and make sure that they are not harmful for your hair or for your skin. Some dyes and coloring products can be pretty damaging for the skin and can cause painful blisters and even allergies that do not go away. Some really bad products can also lead to discoloration of the skin which can be pretty irreversible.

6. Just go for it.

It is hair after all. It grows back. If you do not like it you can change it to another color or cut it off very short. You can grow out your natural hair color. If you had decided to go blonde, you just need to do it, at least to satisfy your curiosity about how you would look. So do not think too much about it. Get it done and you can deal with the criticisms or compliments later when you are comfortable with your new hair color.

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TAGS: brunette to blonde, coloring product, compliments, More