6 Tips to Deal With a Rude Classmate

4. Gang up against your rude classmate

If your classmate is rude to you, he or she may also be rude to your other classmates and friends. Take advantage of this and form a team with all those classmates who have been victims of this particular person’s rudeness. Getting support from your other friends and classmates will help you to put pressure on your rude classmate. Ganging up against him or her will act as a warning to stop being rude or risk loneliness.

5. Try to befriend your classmate

Rudeness and curtness is often used a disguise by many people to mask turbulent emotions in their conscience. Don’t assume that just because your classmate is rude, he or she is a bad person. Try to delve deeper into that classmate’s personal life. Is there a problem he or she is trying to battle? Can you help him or her in any way? Try befriending your classmate to deal with his or her rudeness.

6. Laugh it off

Humor is one of the techniques you can use to neutralize the impact of your classmate’s rudeness and insulting behavior. The next time your classmate is rude to you, laugh in front of him or her or crack an irrelevant joke. This will take your classmate by surprise and he or she will not know how to react.

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