7 Tips to Deal With a Guy Who Really Annoys You

5. Ignore him

When he comes and talk to you or annoys you without any reason, simply plug in your headphone or start reading a book. When he asks you about things, simply tell him that you are busy, or you cannot hear him properly. This is enough to make him realize that he is annoying you to the core.

6. Take immediate action

It is important for you to know that the more you get annoyed, the more he will keep annoying you. If you are not comfortable, then simply tell him to stop with his behavior. If you take immediate action on his behavior, then it would help you out.

7. Keep your cool

Do not lose your cool; it is important to have a patient approach to deal with a guy who annoys you. You need to tackle the situation in a friendly way without hurting his sentiments. If you behave rudely, then it might hurt him.

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