8 Tips on How to Accept Defeat Gracefully

5. Extend genuine congratulations

If you haven’t won or succeeded and someone else has, extend your genuine congratulations to him or her. When you congratulate them in all honesty, you will rid your mind off the negativity of losing. Being a good sport is the first lesson of life.

6. Stop making excuses

It is very common to become overly critical and make excuses when you are defeated. This attitude can be wrong and debilitate you from putting your maximum the next time. When you find fault with judges, people around and the institution, you fail to perform your best every other time. So, the habit of making excuses must be cut down immediately.

7. Bring your hopes up again

Hope should never fail. Hope is what keeps everyone alive. Regardless of the number of failures, make sure you do not let hope die. Hope can weave miracles. It can create extraordinary successes.

8. Channelize your energies

When you fill your mind with negativity, you are most likely to destroy your faith, trust and positive energy. On the contrary, when you face a defeat, channelize your disappointment to willful positive acts that make you want to prove to others and more importantly yourself that you have it in yourself.

The attitude of “I can never lose” can many times be extremely damaging to your personality. Besides showing signs of arrogance, such an attitude can cripple an individual when he or she actually faces defeat. Life gives its share of winning and losses. And defeats must be accepted gracefully to progress.

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