25 Things You Should Put on Your Bucket List

18. Volunteering with some organization

It’s always good to give back to the society in whatever way you can.

19. Donating to a charitable institution

You never know how many lives you could be touching and saving with your donation.

20. Paying for an underprivileged child’s schooling

You were lucky enough to get educated and know the importance of it. Help someone else realize its importance too.

21. Watching a sports match live

The stadium madness is worth experiencing.

22. Watching a movie marathon

It’s a lot of fun, especially with friends at your place. It’s like some kind of magic reaching its peak and giving you a wholesome experience.

23. Switching off the phone and going off social media for a week

Live life that way to understand how complicated we have made our lives on our own. Simple ways of living back in the old days were the best.

24. Achieving your ideal weight

So that you can be fit and active, and don’t have to crib about not fitting into your favorite pair of jeans. For once, prove the world wrong and reach that ideal weight and surprise everyone.

25. Planning a surprise for someone

There is a certain joy in doing it. Only when you do it will you know what it feels like.

This list is just a small indicative of some of the great things that one must do in life. It in no way includes innumerable other things that are equally great. So you must go ahead and add more things to your bucket list as per your taste, and make one that excites you and keeps you motivated all the time. It’s all about aiming to live your life to the fullest, and enjoying every single moment of it.

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