6 Things You Should Always Buy New

4. Jewelry and accessories

Whether you want to buy plastic jewelry, beaded jewelry, semiprecious jewelry or real jewelry, it is best to take your pick from stores, boutiques or malls. Plastic and beaded jewelry is cheaply available in the market so buying it second-hand may not give you a huge advantage in terms of price. If you are looking for semiprecious or real jewelry, you should buy it from stores so that you get authentication and warranty for it. This will also give you the option of taking it back for repair, in case your jewelry breaks or loses a part.

5. Caps, hats and other headgear

Would you like to wear a cap or a hat which contains the odor of the previous users’ perspiration? While some caps can be washed and reused, most caps, hats and other types of headgear cannot be put for a wash. If you don’t want to invite lice, dirt and other bacteria straight into your hair, you should buy your headgear brand new.

6. Electronic items

If you are thinking of picking up electronic items such as refrigerators, blenders, mixers, laptops and washing machines from a pawn shop or a garage sale, be careful. Second-hand electronic appliances have no warranty or promise of how long they will last. There is no point of paying less money for a second-hand electronic appliance which will stop working only after a week of its purchase.

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TAGS: attractive prices, automobile gear, beaded jewelry, More