8 Things We Wish were Invented for Men

5. The color decoder

Do you have a partner who cannot differentiate between brown and beige? Does he often give you a confused look when you ask him to wear a lavender or plum colored shirt? Do not fret because we are hoping that there will soon be a color decoder that you could gift your guy. This device will tell him that there are more than 5 colors in the world. Yep, true story.

6. The perfect gift adviser

Don’t we all want a partner who knows just what to gift us on a particular occasion? Men often opt for jewelry, flowers, soft toys, or clothes when it comes to choosing a gift for their special someone. This futuristic invention would relieve them and us from a whole lot of pain. It would tell them the perfect gift for their woman!

7. Teleporter

There is hardly a woman who can proudly say that her man always turns up on time. There are always a number of excuses for the delay. This teleportation device will ensure that the guy is with you when you want him to be. He would no longer be able to blame the traffic for his laziness.

8. The mind-reader

How many times have you wished for a man who knew how to read between the lines? Most of us, the smart ones, have give up on that search. You need to accept the fact that there are no men with such power. What could save the situation is a mind-reader which would tell them what exactly we mean when we say “I’m fine” during an argument!

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TAGS: automatic brush, color decoder, flowers, More