Things to Learn From a Successful Co-worker

4. Learn your colleague’s ability to get things done

Whether it is about getting an important deal signed or squeezing in all the required reports before end of month, successful workers master the art of getting things done. Such people don’t look for excuses, they look for ways to get the job done. Learn this key quality from a successful colleague and use it every single day regardless of the size and importance of the tasks assigned to you.

5. Pick up goal setting tips from a successful co-worker

Hardly any work would ever be accomplished if goals weren’t set in the first place. Every successful worker and entrepreneur knows how to set goals and effectively pursue them from start to finish. If your goal setting skills could use a little improvement, learn from a successful colleague who has a habit of achieving his or her targets. Whether it is making a list of goals at the beginning of every week or using a reminder system to engage in follow up actions, get your colleague to tell you about every goal setting technique that he or she uses.

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