How to Impress His Friends?

5. Listen

Listen to what others have to say. Instead of nodding your head or smiling occasionally, try to take in what a person is saying. Involve in the talks, but don’t hijack the conversation.

6. Communicate

Even if you are a reserved person, try to do little things like saying ‘hello’ to friends whenever you meet them. Have one-to-one conversations with them as often as possible. If you are a talkative person but some of his friends aren’t, you may only say ‘hello’ to such people.

7. Be patient

Be patient and don’t expect his friends to accept you in the first meeting. If you are still a stranger, the comments may be delayed. Don’t bother even if you are ignored. His friends also want some time to know you.

8. Compliment

Maintain eye contact and be nice to others. Your comments and compliments are always welcome, but never be too harsh in commenting on others. Also, don’t give any negative comment on anybody’s behavior or character.

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