4 Silly Skin Care Myths

3. Dry skin causes a lot of wrinkles

It is not dry skin that causes wrinkles to form around your face, but it is the lack of collagen which starts secreting less as you age. Your skin type has nothing to do with the formation of wrinkles. It is always good to keep your skin moisturized. Do not go for an anti-wrinkle cream when you can keep your skin healthy by just keeping it moisturized. Too many creams on your face will just damage your skin.

4. The pores on our skin open and close on their own

The pores in our skin do not have the ability to open or close on their own. Pores get closed only when they are filled with sebum or when you apply too much make up or bad cream on your skin. If your skin is dirty, take a hot steam bath to clear out the pores. Closed pores can cause acne and pimple, so always keep your skin clean and free of creams and makeup when you are sleeping in the night.

It is hard enough to take care of our skin during the different weather conditions. Do not make it harder by falling for the myths. Always consult a dermatologist if you have doubts about your skin and follow their advice on the regimen you have to follow.

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