6 Signs You are Addicted to an Abusive Relationship

4. You still trust him

Despite the fact that he is abusive, do you still trust him to always speak the truth and never to cheat on you? If this is the case, your addiction may have subconsciously built a false platform of trust. This means that you trust him blindly even though there is a thought deep inside your mind that if he can be abusive to the person he loves, he can also lie, cheat or betray.

5. You fight with your friends when they give you advice

What is your first reaction when any of your friends tell you that you are in an abusive relationship? Do you patiently hear them out or do you snap at them and get angry? If you instantly lose your temper and refuse to hear them despite the fact that they are speaking the truth, it is a sign that you are addicted to your relationship. If you weren’t addicted, you would have been able to see that your friends wish well for you and want you to stop being abused.

6. You have never thought of calling the relationship off

It is a natural human tendency to want to get away from any form of abuse. Have you ever thought about breaking up with your partner after he started abusing you? If the thought has never crossed your mind, you could be addicted to being in a relationship with him. If you had thought logically or if you were not clouded by the addiction, you would have not only thought of breaking up but you may already have parted ways with him.

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