5 Reasons Why You Should not Discipline Your Kids in Public

4. Walking away is sometimes a better option

If your kid starts to throw a tantrum in a store and insists that you buy every single item they demand, it can be really embarrassing. But trying to discipline the kid in the store is only going to aggravate the situation. Sometimes it is better to walk away than standing and arguing with the kid. Once your kid realizes you are not going to give in, they will automatically toe the line.

5. Punishment doesn’t work in the long term

It may look like punishments works – it actually does but only on a short term basis. It is better to explain to your kids why you cannot have them behaving in a certain way. Once you explain why you are asking them to do or not do certain things then they are likely to understand better.

Also, there can be psychological effects on kids if they are disciplined in public. It can even lead to low self-esteem and lack of confidence. So, discipline should be something that is done at home rather than in public.

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