6 Reasons to Say No to Botox

4. It is expensive

Even though Botox has come to the masses, it does not mean that it is affordable. Botox still remains expensive and once you are hooked to it, you will have to spend a major chunk of your earnings on getting Botox treatments.

5. You can’t Botox your whole body

You can get Botox injected on your face and make it look younger, but you cannot get it injected all over your body, especially your hands and your butt. Your hands and your butt give away your true age and that’s a good enough reason to stay off Botox.

6. It is an expression of your low self esteem

If you use Botox it only means that you have a low self-esteem and that you have to rely on your looks to feel better about yourself. Botox just increases the low self-image that you have about yourself and that should be reason enough for you to say no to it. You are much more than your face and you should be happy to age gracefully.

Anything foreign injected into your body cannot be good. Sometimes it can cause medical complications too. Botox injections too can cause severe complications if not done properly.

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