5 Reasons to Get Out of a Toxic Relationship

4. You have your dignity

A relationship is built on mutual love and respect and chances of finding the same in a toxic relationship are bleak. Your partner may be abusive towards you, may disappear for days without letting you know or you may constantly find yourself being taunted or being the butt of a joke in every conversation. Such incidents leave deep scars in your heart and make you retrospect to an extent where you start questioning your own worthiness.

5. You need to grow

Being in a toxic relationship definitely stunts your personal growth as you feel refrained from doing many things in the presence of your partner, which you would have otherwise enjoyed doing. Mostly in such kind of relationships, you will find your partner to be stronger than yourself, not to mention dominating. Your partner will almost always eclipse you. Toxic relationships can never let your real personality bloom out in the open, either out of fear for the person or you just embracing a submissive nature.

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