8 Reasons to Eat More Vegetables

5. They keep the heart healthy

Research has shown that the important antioxidants and dietary fiber present in vegetables reduce the risk of stroke and other heart diseases, thereby ensuring a longer life. Moreover, they help in reducing cholesterol levels in the body, and maintain a healthy blood pressure.

6. They are nature friendly

This means that the more vegetables you are consuming, the less you are killing animals for chicken and mutton. A vegetarian diet is favored by many, for the sake of not killing animals and avoiding meat in general.

7. They boost immunity

Vegetables help to boost your immunity, because of the vitamins and minerals present in them. They keep your body healthy in many ways and prevent you from many ailments and diseases. This is the reason why vegetables are considered a must for growing children and old people.

8. They reduce the risk of diabetes

Vegetables help in slowing down the absorption of sugar into your bloodstream, thereby ensuring that your risk of diabetes is reduced. This is actually true in the case of fresh fruits as well. Just be careful to consume natural produce, and not the tinned, canned or preserved form of vegetables, which are not so healthy.

It’s understandable that some people do not like vegetables in their raw form. They are not fond of salads per se and would rather have their veggies mixed with other ingredients as part of interesting dishes. Whatever be the case, one must ensure that they consume the right amount of vegetables everyday. This habit goes a long way in keeping you fit, healthy and attractive looking, and promises a long life.

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