7 Reasons to Drink Red Wine

5. It boosts your memory

Red wine contains resveratrol which helps in boosting your brain power. Apart from keeping your memory sharp, it also prevents the formation of beta-amyloid protein, a kind of plaque found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. Thus, red wine averts such neurological disorders as well.

6. It helps you to stay slim

Our bodies convert the resveratrol in red wine into a chemical compound called piceatannol. This compound prevents the growth of fat cells in our body. Research has shown that it binds with the insulin receptors in our body and blocks the pathways which fat cells use to grow and foster. This essentially helps to keep your body slim.

7. It helps to prevents cancer

The resveratrol found in red wine fights cancerous cells most effectively, according to research. Resveratrol prevents such cancerous cells to grow and eventually causes them to break down. Thus, red wine a few times a week may be a good idea to keep cancer at bay.

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