4 Reasons not to Talk About Dealbreakers on the First Date

Reasons not to Talk About Dealbreakers on the First Date

On first dates, there are things prone to happening or being said, that may act as deal breakers. What may seem like mere harmless small-talk to you may leave your date with a sour taste. Here are 4 deal breakers you must not talk about on the first date.

1. Your ex

Talking about your ex, whether it be praises or bad-mouthing, is just a no-no on a first date. Talking about your ex while you’re on a date with someone just goes to show that you’re not yet ready to turn a new page in your life and you haven’t moved on a bit. And with your ex taking up all the space in your head, there’s definitely no opening for a new person.

2. Your sicknesses

Fungus, diarrhea, depression, bowel movements, ulcers are definitely not the things to discuss over food. Lamenting about your repulsive illnesses will not get you sympathy from your date but you’ll surely find your calls rejected the next time you call them.

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