4 Reasons Father’s Day Should Be as Big as Mother’s Day

3. It would help recognize the role played by fathers in a family

Although fathers play a very important role in how a kid is being brought up, it is seldom recognized and there is still a lot made of the quality time spent with kids. Celebrating Father’s day will acknowledge the role played by dads all over and also give them a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Some full time dads also wouldn’t feel that all their efforts have gone waste or not been given due credit.

4. A father loves his kids as much as the mother does

There is no denying the fact that a father loves his kids as much as the mother does. It is only the traditional roles assigned to each gender that makes it look like fathers do not play much of a role in the kid’s life. The fact is that he too is willing to give up everything for the kids. And celebrating a day and dedicating it to him is only right.

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