How to Take Care of The Heart?

3. Keep away from stress

Work stress, relationship issues and peer pressure can lead to stress. Severe and chronic stress has drastic and dangerous effects on the heart. So, make sure you always keep away from stress. Think happy and stay happy. When under deep stress, the cliché ‘take a deep breath’ really works.

4. Go for regular checkups

People above the age of 30 are more prone to heart diseases. Regular checkups are recommended for everyone. If a history of heart diseases runs in your family, then the risks are more and checkups are more than essential. People with diabetes need to be a little more careful. Keep checking your weight and get your cholesterol levels checked by the doctor. Maintain proper weight. Being overweight or obese can also lead to heart problems.

To sum up, the simplest ways to keep the heart healthy is to exercise well, eat wise, de-stress and to keep a check on your heart’s activities.

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TAGS: cardiovascular diseases, checkup, cholesterol, More