How to Spot A Jealous Co-worker?

3. Remember those who don’t help you

Make a mental note of the people who avoid helping you when you ask for it. Some people are inherently helpful, while some help out people because they expect something in return. There are also people who help those with whom they want to build friendship or rapport for the sake of their own career development. But when they feel jealous towards someone the general tendency becomes not to help out that person because they think that by not helping them they will restrict their progress.

4. Find out about those who pass unsolicited comments

Find out those people who pass unsolicited comments directed towards you. Passing comments and remarks are a normal human tendency but there are people who pass them even when they are not needed. Either these people are suffering from superiority complex or are very jealous of you and cannot rest without venting out their suppressed emotions.

When you know who the people are who are jealous of you, you can exercise more care in dealing with them and not let them have an opportunity to pull you down in any way.

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