7 Homemade Christmas Ornament Ideas

5. Small soap carvings

Buy some very small-sized soap bars that smell good. Now with a butter knife slowly carve some small design or initials of the family members. It has to be done very gently so that you don’t break the soap. These can make lovely ornaments.

6. Stocking flowers

This one needs a little creativity. If you have colorful stockings that you don’t use anymore, you can make flowers using them. Take a thin wire and cut it into 2 inch pieces. Make at least 5 to 6 pieces of the wire. Now take one piece and gently make its two ends meet. It should look like a petal. Now twine the two ends of the wire and take a small piece of the stocking and stretch it over the wire completely from both sides and tie it to the end with a thread. That makes one petal. Now make 6 such petals and tie them together in a circle. It will become one flower. You can get some flower decorations and add them to this homemade ornament.

7. Candy stick frame

Candy sticks are available at several decoration stores. Get a few and just stick them into a square or a diamond shape. Now measure a cardboard sheet according to the shape of the candy stick and stick it on the cardboard. Put stickers of your kids favorite cartoon characters in the middle of the frame. Make a provision to hang them.

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