6 Habits of Obese People

4. Love for sweets

Sweets and chocolates contain maximum calorific value, and most people are unable to turn down either. To fight obesity, this is a must. One has to control their craving for chocolates, and even when they do have one, they should only take a small piece and be satisfied with that.

5. Eating when not hungry

Most people eat not just to fill their stomach, but also to change their mood. Eating has a major psychological effect on the human mind. Eating can also be relaxing at times, or some people only eat to pass the time. Obese people should check this habit and try to eat only when they are actually hungry.

6. Fewer and heavier meals

Researchers have found that people who eat several small meals tend to suffer from obesity far lesser than people who choose to have fewer but heavier meals. Hence, it is advisable to eat in smaller quantities at regular intervals, rather than two or three extremely heavy meals in a day.

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