6 Foods to Avoid If You have Acne

4. Processed/Refined Foods

When dealing with acne, it is best to stick to fresh, whole, and organic foods which are gluten and dairy-free. If your food items are high on the glycemic index, salty and/or glutenous, it can affect your hormone and blood sugar levels. They can lead to a surge in insulin and cause acne-causing bacteria build-up. So, stay away from junk food and ditch those fries.

5. Fast food

If your diet is rich in greasy fast food, then you are more likely to have inflammation in the body. It is this inflammation that may cause pimples. So, if you are headed to a fast-food restaurant, try sticking to the healthier option like the salad.

6. Alcohol

There are various studies that show that toxins like tobacco and alcohol have a link with acne. So, if you are a regular smoker or are in the habit of drinking excessive alcohol, then it would be all the more difficult for you to fight acne.

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