Do You Work In The Same Office With Your Husband? How To Deal With It?

3. Draw a boundary

You cannot afford to discuss work at home, or home at work. As Rachel Clark clearly said, “You need to be able to separate your personal and professional life and handle those differently. It is difficult to keep such a clear distinction, however you can achieve it with a little bit of practice and lot of cooperation.” Her husband Tom affirms, “Keeping such a clear outlook on all fronts will help you gain the respect of your colleagues and boost the productivity.”

4. Don’t get into the bored mode

It could be hard facing a person at office and then coming home to the same person. So, if possible, try and avoid meeting your husband during work hours. Emily Hill said, “Since we were in different departments, we would hardly meet at office. We often used to make it a point not to go for lunch or coffee breaks together. We would occasionally meet up; however we tried our best to stay out of each other’s way as much as possible.”

If your work compels you to work constantly with your husband, it is probably a good idea to go on separate ways during lunchtime and for other non-work related activities. This is obviously for those who feel they are seeing too much of their husband.

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