Do Dads also Get Postpartum Depression Too?

3. Financial worries

Although a lot of people plan before they have a baby, some do not and this can lead them into a spiral of depressive behavior. A baby costs a lot of money to bring up. The hospital visits, the clothes, the nappies and baby food alone can eat a pretty big chunk out of the pay package. Spending without scrimping and the feeling of guilt when one cannot afford a few things are what forces a lot of men into postpartum depression.

4. Inability to deal with loss of attention and affection

A lot of men also cannot deal with the sudden decrease in the affection and attention from their wives. The baby takes up most of the new mother’s time and the men cannot handle being left to their own devices. This inability and the sudden perceived loss of emotional and physical intimacy with the wife also results in depression.

Even though women work and bring in a lot of money, the traditional provider role than men played is still somewhat intact. And the truth is that lot of men cannot handle this and end up getting depressed with the constant worry and responsibilities of the family.

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TAGS: affection, attention, depression, More