8 Christmas Gifts for Toddlers

5. Tool sets

Tool sets of various kinds are available where kids get to use small tools and fancy being someone like a carpenter or a builder. These toys are fun and allow kids to explore on their own. Toddlers can make their own toys and play with them.

6. Soft foam builders

Toddlers would love to play with these ones. The soft foam building blocks are good as kids can make their own jungle or a city using them and then role play. They are safe for the kids and light in weight.

7. Piggy banks

Toddlers though are too young to understand about money, a piggy bank is great to start with. Get your toddler the shape he/she adores and make him/her put coins in it every week. It will become a great habit and your kid will learn about safe keeping too.

8. The alphabet or number boards

There are many alphabet and number boards available that help the child to get acquainted with letters and numbers. These enhance their thinking and fine motor skills also. They are colorful and need concentration to play with. They could make one of the best gifts for a toddler.

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