7 Body Language Secrets That Say He’s Interested

5. He tries to get himself close to you

A guy who is interested in you may try to come closer to you whether he does it on purpose or it happens subconsciously. For example, he may try to get a seat near you even if there are other empty seats in the room or he could move his posture so that he reduces the physical distance between you both.

6. His body language becomes protective of you

Does a guy’s body language become protective when he is around you? For example, he may be putting his arm over your shoulder when you are in a crowd, he could be snatching every chance to hold your hand to help you walk over a step or put his arm on your back to help you get inside doors. This behavior may be coming out subconsciously because he is attracted to you and he may not even realize that he is going out of his way to make you feel protected.

7. He keeps staring at your lips

It is generally known that if a guy’s eyes dart and get fixated on a girl’s lips, he may be interested in her. You can spot this obvious behavior by noticing if he loses his eye contact to look at your lips. You can deliberately try by moving or twitching you lips to see if they grab a guy’s attention while he is talking to you.

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