7 Best Foods to Eat Before Drinking to Prevent a Hangover

A lot of people swear they would never touch a drink after that have had one of their worst hangovers. Some even go to the extent of saying that the only way to prevent a hangover is not to drink a lot or not mix drinks over the course of the night. One way to prevent a hangover is to drink a lot of water as you are drinking, but it is always not easy or feasible to get water when you are in a bar and drinking and dancing. The best way then to prevent a hangover and not feel bad the next day is to eat the right food before you go out drinking. Drinking in an empty stomach not only hurts your stomach but lets the alcohol mix with your blood a lot faster and it hits your brain quickly making you tipsy a lot quicker. Here are some foods that you can eat to prevent a hangover the next morning.

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