16 Aquarius Personality Traits

9. They may come across as insensitive in a relationship and the partner may feel they do not care much.

10. They are possessive and they interfere too much in the lives of their partners, which might lead to a clash, and eventually, a breakup.

11. They are prone to getting over marriage too quickly, and thus a long-lasting relationship is often rare, and marriages are likely to break.

12. An Aquarian mother is very independent — so much that she will prefer her children to grow up independently and be self-sufficient. She loves her children but does not express her affection openly. She is a good friend to her children.

13. They have grand visions and are often exceptionally good at technology.

14. They are patient and resolute, do not get disconcerted quickly.

15. They are also stubborn and hold onto their thoughts and beliefs. They have a very modern outlook.

16. They engage in charity and they travel a lot.

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