5 Amazing Facts About the Book the Fault in Our Stars

4. Another inspiration for the book was a girl Esther Earl

Green says that he was also inspired to write the book after his friendship with Esther Earl, who died of thyroid cancer when she was just 16. She had taught him and also demonstrated how a short life could also be a full life.

5. Even though some people received the book before its official release date, they made a promise not to read it until it was released

On December 21, 2011, Barnes & Noble accidentally shipped 1500 copies of The Fault in Our Stars before the release date to people who had pre-ordered the book. But Green was magnanimous about the whole episode and released a statement saying, “Mistakes happen. The people who made this error were not bad or incompetent people, and they were not acting maliciously. We all make mistakes and it is not my wish to see Barnes and Noble or any of their employees vilified.” People who received it too promised not to spoil the surprise for other readers by discussing it online or in other places.

6. Green also personally signed a lot of copies

He also personally signed thousands of copies of the book to keep a promise he had made his readers. Now that is some commitment to his readers.

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