9 Vegetables You Must Add to Your Diet

6. Eggplant

Eggplants are not everyone’s favorite but if you know the amazing health benefits of this vegetable, you might add this in your diet. It helps combat dementia and stroke. The antioxidant nasunin benefits the brain cells.

7. Bell pepper

Bell peppers not only look pretty but also taste delicious. Whether it’s red, orange or yellow, they are enriched with various health benefits. It contains lycopene and folic acid which prevents against lung, bladder and pancreatic cancer.

8. Spinach

Spinach has rich source of iron content. Those who have low hemoglobin levels must have a bowl of spinach soup or add it to the salad. The additional benefits include prevention against arthritis and osteoporosis.

9. Onions

Those who have diabetes may want to resort to this pungent vegetable causing tears. It also helps reduce the loss of calcium content from the body. They are also enriched with Vitamin C and foliate. They are particularly beneficial for those suffering from osteoporosis as it is enriched with a peptide called GPCS.

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TAGS: add to your diet, antioxidants, carrots, More