9 Things to Do in the Beginning of a Relationship

6. Do not get possessive

You trust him, that is why you are with him. Do not get over protective or possessive about him in the initial stages (not even later!). Do not get jealous at any given situation. This can be a huge turn off for him. Be caring and positive in your new relationship.

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7. Compare your goals

A good relationship only survives because of compatibility between couples. You need to compare your goals well in advance. Know about your partner’s needs and likes. There should be something common for you to accept. If there is a difference of opinion on every topic, then this might affect your relationship in the long run.

8. Do not go overboard with sex

Too much of sex at the beginning of a relationship is not recommended. You do not know your partner completely and sex can cause loss of trust in your relationship. A little bit of making out is fine but still stay alert.

9. Keep an open conversation

Talk as much as possible with your new partner. It is important to know each other well; this will help your relationship to grow further in time. Your communication should be open and frank.

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