9 Things Every Intern Should Know

Photo Courtesy: pressmaster ©crestock.com

An internship is a great way to gain experience within an industry. However, before you begin that much coveted internship, you need to remember some very important things. We give you a list of things every intern should know.

1. First impressions win the game for you

Be cheerful and never hesitate to smile and say hello. You need to leave the impression that you would make a nice colleague.

2. The workplace is no night club

If you do not want to be one among those many interns who are sent home for wearing night club dresses at work, go visit a retail store at the earliest. Get yourself some proper work clothes to show that you are professional.

3. Get involved

As an intern you are expected to be part of the system. Even if you find a particular task to be mundane, remember that the staff will have to get it done with or without your assistance. Also remember, refusing to do the tasks assigned to you could cost you your internship.

4. Work hard

Make sure that the time you spend at work will make your coworker’s life a little easier. This way, you will become an invaluable member of your team. If you are confident that you can handle the routine tasks with ease, you can offer to do those things that you know your coworkers do not enjoy doing. Everyone would love an intern who volunteers to help on a busy day.

5. Be alert

Always be vigilant while at work. Also, keep a keen eye on your surroundings and memorize it all. Be prepared to drive your boss to any event, if you are asked to do so.

6. Say so if you don’t know

You do not have to feel embarrassed to say, “Sorry, I don’t know!” As you are an intern, nobody actually expects you to know everything. In fact, admitting your ignorance is far better than pretending to know something that you actually don’t.

7. Look before you leap

You should think twice before posting snaps and other things on social networking portals. Be reminded that all that you share online will be exposed to everyone, including your boss and colleagues. Also, watch what you say and to whom. It’s very easy for silly rumors and misconceptions to get spread around.

8. Do not expose your badge

You simply do not have to advertise where exactly you work all the time. Make sure that you wear the badge only when you really need to. Nobody likes a show off.

9. Develop a wide network

Having a wide network will certainly help you to get ahead. You should try and remember people’s names and also make it a point to collect business cards.

Photo Courtesy : pressmaster ©crestock.com
TAGS: assistance, busy day, confident, More