9 Signs You are a Socially Responsible Person

6. You don’t use stuff that are environmentally bad

Things made of plastic, deodorants, paints using lead and other harmful chemicals that can be damaging to the environment are definitely off your list.

7. You prefer carpooling or cycling to driving all by yourself

Deciding on cycling to work or carpooling is not an economic decision, but based on a bid to cut down the pollution levels and playing a small part in saving the environment.

8. You do not support hate speeches or far right organizations

Hate speeches and far right organizations that vilify others and create social tensions abhor you, you try to stay away from them and also talk to people about how bad they are to the society as a whole.

9. You not only support your gay family members, but also openly campaign for others

Sexual politics don’t matter to you. You are just fighting for someone’s basic human rights.
If you are someone doing everything above or at least some of the above, you are being socially responsible or on your way towards it. If not, it is never too late to try.

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