8 Ways to Have a Healthy Pregnancy

5. Stay away from alcohol, smoking and caffeine

It is good to cut these things off completely as they can result in a number of birth defects as well as behavioral problems in your baby. For example, alcohol could translate into babies born with behavioral problems and heart defects. Caffeine increases the risk of a low birth-weight for the baby. Miscarriage and stillbirth are some of the risks that come with smoking. Make a decision to contribute as much as you can to ensuring the good health of your unborn child.

6. Discuss premature labor

It is important to discuss signs of premature labor with your doctor. This way you will be able to detect those warning signs and stay prepared in case of that scenario. In some cases, it is possible to tell if you might have a preterm birth. Studies have shown that such births result out of a mix of genetic and environmental factors. Be prepared for all facets of a pregnancy.

7. Relax and rest

It is advisable to relax your body to deal with your fatigue. Even if sleep eludes you it is not a bad idea to just put your feet up and sit calmly. Deep breathing, massage and yoga can all prove helpful to reduce stress. Stress can play havoc with your pregnancy, so it is important to take some time out. In addition to relaxing exercises, listen to soothing music, read books and in general, enjoy the entire process of being pregnant.

8. Make friends with other pregnant women

This is a very smart way of finding out a lot more information about pregnancy than what you would have on your own. Besides, it helps you deal with your pregnancy better as you have a support group. It is quite relaxing to chat with someone who is going through a similar experience. There are community forums where information is shared freely. From hygiene to exercises and moods, everything is discussed preparing the pregnant lady for the big day.

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