8 Things You Need to Avoid While Pregnant

5. High heels

You may love your high heels and stilettos, but pregnancy is the time when you need to avoid them. You need to wear flat and comfortable footwear when you are pregnant. This helps to ensure that you don’t lose your balance, fall down and sustain an injury which may harm your baby. Besides, with those swollen feet and constant backache, you’ll feel relieved wearing a flat comfortable footwear.

6. Spicy food

If you are a spice lover, then you need to change your food habits when pregnant. Eating spicy food during pregnancy will cause a lot of discomfort to you. Heartburn and flatulence will add to your problems. So avoid spicy food.

7. Adventure sports

Pregnancy is an adventure in itself. So during this time, take a break from adventurous sports/activities like scuba diving, snowboarding, paragliding and the likes. It’s not worth taking the risk. Any injury to you can be fatal to your baby. So take care and stay away from such dangerous adventures for your baby’s sake.

8. Undercooked/raw/rare meat and the likes

During pregnancy, you cannot take the risk of exposing your baby to bacteria, microorganisms and parasites present in undercooked or raw meat. So make sure you avoid all such meat products which may pose a risk to the health of your baby.

So stay safe by avoiding these things and keep your baby safe too.

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