8 Signs that Your Boyfriend Is Attracted to Your Friend

5. He tries to impress her all the time

Dressing up is only part of the game. Watch out for some extra cheerfulness or chivalry on your boyfriend’s part in her presence. If he is basically an outgoing person and behaves the same with all your friends, then it is alright. But if it is only your friend who is at the receiving end of his special attention, then there is more to it than you have been imagining.

6. He steals glances at her

The eyes say what the lips can’t. If you catch him stealing coy glances at her every now and then, it might be an indication that he has fallen for her.

7. He calls and texts her

Only if you are extremely stupid will you be able to ignore this sign. He may either talk to her boldly in front of you as if nothing is going on or he may talk to her behind your back like a fugitive. Either way, don’t let him get away with it.

8. He behaves differently with you nowadays

Has his behavior towards you changed since your friend came into the picture? If that is the case, there is every possibility that it is more than just a coincidence. The more his attraction towards her increases, the less will he be interested in you.

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