8 Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

5. Promotes good sleep

Taking peppermint tea just before going to bed ensures relaxed muscles and enables one to sleep peacefully. It is, however, not recommended for small children or for those suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure.

6. Aids in weight loss

Peppermint tea has appetite suppressing properties that help you to avoid overeating. When mixed with green tea, peppermint tea improves the metabolism rate, thereby making it easier to shed some extra pounds.

7. Improves skin condition

This tea is capable of solving hormonal problems in the body, thereby reducing acne and clearing up the skin. Some people also like to add peppermint tea to their bathing water to soothe and cure burns and rashes.

8. Boosts Immunity

It contains vitamin B, calcium and potassium that helps to boost the immune system in the body. That is also one of the reasons why people consume peppermint tea during colds and flu.

Indeed, adding a cup of peppermint tea in your daily diet is quite useful. It’s over consumption however, must be avoided, especially during pregnancy as it causes the muscles around the uterus to relax, which could eventually lead to a miscarriage. The best way to go about finding the right amount of consumption for you is to get in touch with a doctor and take professional advice.

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