8 Glasses of Water a Day: Why and How Should You Have It?

8 Glasses of Water a Day: Why and How Should You Have It?

Have you been told over and over again to drink lots of water? Well, trust us, it is a really good piece of advice that you must follow. We can tell you why you must drink 8 glasses of water everyday, and how to accomplish it.

Why to drink 8 glasses of water a day?

1. The human body is made up of 75% water. You need water to keep your body going!
2. Water can help nourish your body as it transports nutrients to cells and organs in your body.
3. Water will cleanse your body and get rid of unnecessary metabolic waste.
4. The risk of getting kidney stones is considerably reduced.
5. When it’s summer, water prevents you from getting dehydrated or getting a sunstroke.
6. In some cases, water is also known to have lowered blood pressure level.
7. Drinking plenty of water will promote a healthy heart.
8. When you have a terrible headache, drinking water can help you reduce the pain.
9. Your skin becomes healthy and glows when your water consumption is a minimum of 8 glasses per day.
10. Risk of getting cancer is also reduced when you drink plenty of water.

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