8 Easy Tips to Act More Feminine

5. Do not use abusive words

It’s something that you should not indulge in at any cost. Do not use abusive words in any situation. Period.

6. Do not speak bluntly

Honesty is the best policy, but not always. There are situations when you need to put things ‘nicely’ rather than bluntly. Femininity is about learning this art of saying rather difficult things in such a way that it doesn’t hurt others. So don’t be too blunt or frank when expressing your opinions.

7. Be sensitive

Being feminine is being sensitive. Learn to be sensitive towards other person’s needs. Think before you speak and don’t be insensitive in dealing with others.

8. Control your temper

A lady knows how to hold her head high even in difficult situations. So no matter how bad the situation is, don’t lose your temper. Control it and use it to your advantage.

Feel feminine and you’ll act feminine. So keep these quick and easy tips in your mind when you are out there to impress everyone with your femininity.

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