8 Best Inventions of All Time that Have Helped Women’s Lives

5. Washing machine

The whole process of rinsing, washing and drying clothes repeatedly, every alternate day is one that women would slave over before the miracle called washing machine was invented. It eased the burden a lot and drastically lessened the time and effort needed to clean clothes.

6. Tampons

Discomfort during periods became a thing of the past with the invention of the sanitary pad and tampons. Tampons let women do everything from swimming to wearing white and tight clothes during those monthly cycles and thus liberating them.

7. Microwave

The reason why women have started working and having careers of their own is partially because of the invention of stuffs like washing machines and microwaves, that did most of the dirty work. Food can be cooked in a matter of minutes today thanks to this wonderful electronic gadget that millions of women are thankful to.

8. Disposable diapers or nappies

The messiness of babies has ceased to be a headache for new mothers across the globe, all thanks to disposable diapers and nappies that have been no less than saviors. The irking and tedious task of changing dirty linens and underwear of babies time and again is a thing of the past.

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