7 Ways to Impress a Nerdy Guy

5. Develop a witty and sarcastic sense of humor

Geeks and nerds are known for their extraordinary sense of humor which is a combination of intelligence, wit and sarcasm. If you are going to stand clueless when he says something intelligently funny, he may feel dejected. To avoid a scenario like this, notch up your sense of humor a level or two. Learn how to infuse sarcasm and intelligence in sentences to give them a funny twist.

6. Initiate talking to him on Facebook or an online messenger

If you think that the guy is slightly shy, you can try to talk to him on Facebook or any other online messenger first. Initiate an online conversation with the guy and establish a certain comfort level with him. By doing so, you are laying the foundation and making it easy for him to approach you with a conversation when he sees you next. Online conversations are great ice breakers and it may be the answer to your dilemma of impressing a nerdy guy.

7. Ask him out

A nerdy guy may be shying away from asking you out on a date simply because he may be afraid of a refusal. Impress him by walking up to him and asking if he would like to grab a coffee with you. Once you have your informal first date, you can talk your way into impressing him and making him fall for you.

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