7 Ways To Beat the Seven Year Itch

7 Ways To Beat the Seven Year Itch

The Seven Year Itch was a popular movie starring Marilyn Monroe. The phrase “seven year itch” basically is the psychological idea that after seven years of being married the couple starts drifting apart from each other. Either they lose interest in each other or just realize that they don’t want to be with each other anymore. There are times that after so many years’ partners may fall out of love and get involved with someone else which leads to end the of the marriage. Here are 7 ways to beat the seven year itch.

1. Communication builds the strength of every relationship

Over the years, couples get busy with their monotonous lives. The same routine, duties and responsibilities keep them occupied. But one always needs that partner to share feelings, to have discussions and share thoughts with. So to avoid cheating emotionally or physically put in all efforts to communicate with your partner.

2. Consult a marriage counselor

Over the years, problems are bound to happen between couples. Partners may start looking for emotional and physical love outside the relationship. To avoid such situations, consult a marriage counselor. It is very helpful and by talking about your problems you cave save your relationship.

3. Spend quality time with your partner

With all the responsibilities, kids and work it is very important to have private time with your husband. Make plans together, do things that he likes and spend a good amount of time with him. This will help you work on your marriage and maintain interest.

4. Give him some space

In a relationship, closeness and a strong bond are essential but to a certain extent even space is. Let your husband spend time with his own friends and even spend your own girl time. This will avoid frustration and monotony. It will help in having a satisfied married life and a good social life which will give satisfaction in life.

5. Try out innovative love making techniques

To avoid cheating maintain a regular and healthy sex life with your partner. Try new things, take the initiative and be excited. This is a very important aspect of married life and helps in living a smooth life.

6. Plan your vacation without the kids

After you start a family, things become very monotonous. You get so involved in school work and office stress that you are on edge. Even when you take a vacation, the kids are in focus. You need to get away and visit earlier times while you were dating or recently married. Leave the kids with relatives or friends that you can trust, and go rediscover yourselves.

7. Do not let ambition hamper your marriage

Sometimes you get so involved in your work that all you do is work or take it home. You spend your vacation time clubbed with meetings planned outside the city. This disconnect due to your ambitious attitude can lead you to get bored with your partner. Keep in mind that your marriage is for your life but work is only for living.

Photo Courtesy : vanz
TAGS: ambition hamper, bored with your partner, kids, More